sorry, but still want to 88
why some girl who has no money left could go to supermarket, buy some things needed not so urgently, then let others she just met pay the bill?
even my son, he is 3 years old, he also learned that if he want to put something in the shopping basket, he should asked me at first. because he know i am the one who pay the money, so no way he could just take what he want and then let me pay all the things. even i am his mother, and he know i love him so much.
but a girl who is 23 years old, do not understand such a simple thing? that you need to pay for everything you buy from a supermarket? or maybe expects a stranger to pay the bill is the natural way for her?
about other things, such as gave ugly comment of Ruo's taste, went to the bedroom without invited and flirted with other's husband, it is difficult to prove, i have nothing to say. |