原帖由 eisenstange 于 2007-2-19 14:00 发表
it is not form the Internet, but in some real cases what we have finisched before. The situation is that: Software Development Devision wrote a Tool (because no Serviceprogram allowed in Client's Server, so have to use GUI), and before the Installation, the Development Devision have test it for a week.but 3 Month after the Installation, the GUI disappeared. and the same Test Process still working in Development Devision (Please don't tell me it is software problem, GUI is event triggert and without user Input, windows should not be closed normally).
And much strenger is, there is nothing even in Eventslog, it is just vanished and without a trace. the answer from Microsoft is they don't know, and Eventlog should record every errors.
首先说说测试问题。我猜测,你说的一个星期的测试是对成品的测试。且不说一个星期的成品测试期对于交付到客户手中的软件来说是百分百的太短,单纯从你说的一个星期测试我就可以提出几个问题:你们总共测试了多少种Test Case?白盒,黑盒?这些Test Case在开发的一开始就定义了吗?还是想到一个测试一个?在整个开发过程有没有进行持续的Unit测试?每一轮测试有没有对测试结果进行记录?你们的软件里面的测试代码占总代码量的百分之几?最后的成品你们在多少台Windows机器上测试过?
并不是我偏袒微软,即便你这个问题是在linux下发生的,或是在Mac下发生的,或是BSD或或或,我都可以百分百得跟你说,你所说的这个案例问题绝对在你们的软件本身。从你的描述来看,我就可以断定:1,你们没有进行足够的测试;2,你们的Logging信息绝对不够多,以至于你们无法找到错误的根源。如果你不相信,你大可以把这个案例拿去问问你们Uni搞Software Engineering的教授或者他/她手下的Assi,看看他们会怎么说。
原帖由 eisenstange 于 2007-2-19 14:00 发表
and for Windows Domain Controller, normally we don't use them but use Netware, because the Windows Domain can not support the Folder Size limination and every time if the same account form other PC log in, it will create many unnecessary Software Installations and need a long time. And if we just want to share files, the windows Domain is not needed, with Samba can do it better.
原帖由 eisenstange 于 2007-2-19 14:00 发表
and there is also many problem with Windows2000 Platform, for example, if we analyer Windows DLL more detailly, you can try to test a Socket Server/Client realised with Windows Sockets.h, the windows Sockets can only working with the time span about ms level, if you continiuly send packets in 1ms, the windows Sockets can only recieve some of the Packets, and without any error msg. and people can not manual difinie the idle time. etc.
原帖由 eisenstange 于 2007-2-19 14:00 发表
Microsoft Operating System can only for small bussiness and Family, for Industry it is to weak.
our client that time, no one use Windows and there is also no Administrator in Windows Domain.
你的这个结论是从哪里看来的?还是你自己做出的判断?至少在我知道的范围内,Ciscso, Ericsson, SAP里的大部分工作站使用的都是Windows,are these companies also too weak?。。。
Sorry,并不是要和铁棍斑竹唱对台。。。只是有些问题发现了就不得不提出来。。。还请铁棍斑竹见谅。。。$送花$ $汗$
[ 本帖最后由 小牛军队 于 2007-2-20 00:41 编辑 ] |