Das kann man gleichzeitig schaffen
I think it not impossible, when you wanna speak good English and German at the same time.Before i come to Germany last May, my English is already very fleunce, i begann to leran German from ABC here in Germany(before that i have never learn any German ,only say like Guten tag) , in 8 Months i got DSH3. I'm happy about that. I think good English is a help for the learning of German. During my German learning , i feel sometime that my English is gone . But i try to use it everyday, i speak only English with my neighbore , who comes frm the USA. I have also another opinion, perhaps we forgot the English language quickly , while we learn a total new langauge at the time, but when we control German languge good ,and go back again to English, we would find ,that German is also a help for English. Many words in this 2 Languges look similar ,and the same meaning. We have to discover them ourselves. Langauge is tool , but we really need it.;)
Take it easy, Language is interesting. hope everyone here good luck |