Landylee is a Freelance active business builder, partner. She has strong belief
of 2 win principle. She runs the travel agency Travel Star Shanghai which is
affiliated with CTS China Travel Service. She is also an independent talent
agent providing many production companies and events with foreign talents actors
extras. She is also the business partner with many production companies and
media companies.
Being partner with CTS China Travel Service Shanghai, Landylee started Travel
Star Shanghai and website
www.travelstarshanghai.com. She manages the travel market and arranges tour
packages for foreigners who travel in Shanghai and neighboring cities.
Being an independent talent agent, Landylee has work ship with hundreds foreign
talents models actors who live in Shanghai and have long term cooperation with
many production companies and other talent agent and agencies. She has provided
many production companies and events with foreign talents actors extras.
这个是被人对她的评述。:o |