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[其它] ZT-------和美国男人约会....(中英文对照)

发表于 2007-6-12 13:47 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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   I started dating American men a few months ago.

   The dating game... I was definitely out of practice. I had married my college sweetheart in my 20s, and stayed in my marriage, as a typical Chinese woman would do. A 15-year stay, until one day my husband declared that he had a new love, a much younger woman of course.

   Outraged and heartbroken, I left my old life behind and started over – new place, new job, and, after a couple of years, searching for my own new love. After my divorce, I swore that I would never ever look at another Chinese guy again, for they had such a recent memory of taking concubines. Yes, concubines, women who massage the egos of men, and who stand as trophies of male successes. Moreover, Chinese men would consider my doctorate from Harvard most threatening – men with small ... – well, many American feminists would comment loudly and clearly. Not me. I still preferred somehow to remain a Chinese lady.

   But I wanted to date American men.

  I have to confess that even when I was married, I fantasized about dating American men. My ex-husband was a good and caring companion, but, like a typical Chinese man, he was also short of expression with regard to love. He would never say “I love you” to me, nor did he ever touch me in public. I always wondered how it would feel to be loved in the way American men love their girl friends or wives – zealous expression, sweet kissing, and open affection. Let's face it: we all want passion. We all want to become crazy about someone, and to show the entire world the joy of our ecstasy.

  With great curiosity and expectation, I started my dating life among the social circles of professionals in the Washington DC area.

  My first discovery greatly reduced the level of my curiosity. Although I came from a very different cultural background, it seemed to me that the procedure of dating was not that much variant – you went out to meet a man, usually got bored in the first ten or twenty minutes, and left without further contact. Occasionally you could make a friend, but it was only when you were exceptionally lucky, or exceptionally unlucky, depending on your perspective, that you would meet some one who could spark the fire inside you, which burnt like hell.

  Love and chemistry between men and women work the same way in any culture, after all.

  The cultural shock came from the aftermath of love.

  However educated and westernized I have become superficially, in essence I am a rather simple Chinese girl. I always felt very comfortable playing the role of a traditional wife – cooking, house keeping, assisting my husband in his business, caring for him and his family, and standing by him whenever he needed me. That is the way I had been brought up. Perhaps it is somewhat exceptional in my case, since I have a full and successful career of my own. Yet, I never let my professional life interfere with my private life. Therefore, falling in love to me is a rather simple and straightforward matter: a man and a woman like each other or even fall in love, become boy friend and girl friend, and if things work out after a certain period, they get married and stay together for the rest of their lives.

  Isn't this also supposed to be the American way? Listen to the wedding vow: for health or for sickness, for richer or for poorer... until death...

  I soon learned not to be fooled by the words. With all the joy and the pain that I have so far experienced in this dating game, I have made a few crucial discoveries. Such discoveries help me to better understand American culture, and my own heritage as well.

  My most important discovery is that American men generally have very different expectations about love and marriage from mine. For instance, American men love to talk about “romance.” Once I asked a gentleman to describe “romance” to me, since I had no visual imagination of what he was talking about. “Candlelight dinners,” he said. “They can be so romantic.”

  I could not help but bursting into laughter.

  Having grown up in a communist state, “romance” to me always implied extreme hardship. The best romance, from my perspective, would be a couple fighting a war for justice together, going to prison for resisting the dictatorship together, or even bravely facing torture and death together.

  In fact, decades ago in my late teens I did spend a year in prison with my boy friend, who was the first man I ever loved. We participated in the protest movement together in the 70s. Once we half-heartedly joked about a possible future – fighting a war for freedom. "I can be the commander-in-chief in the army," he said, "and you can be the commissar."

  "I don't want to be a god-damn commissar!" I screamed. "I want to be the commander-in-chief!"

  I was ready to die for him, and for the cause, too. That was the best romance in my life.

  If that option is not available, the traditional ideal of romance in Chinese society, which lives on in numerous masterpieces of literature, often includes poverty, repression, forced separations, and other kinds of physical and psychological hardships. Hardship tests true love, and elevates a sexual love into a spiritual unification. And what about candlelight dinners? How can such a temporary and material occurrence be a part of romance?

[ 本帖最后由 Awa 于 2007-6-12 14:52 编辑 ]
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 楼主| 发表于 2007-6-12 13:48 | 显示全部楼层
  The more I learned about American men, the more I understood the significance of this difference in the two notions of romance.

  Americans usually are looking for a good time in their love affairs. They expect fun, lust, and happiness. When a man and a woman court, they have fun, they have lust, and at the peak of such fun and lust, they marry – the expectation of permanent happiness. Happiness – Americans have taken it as a norm for at least a century. It is the universal promise of marriage. And when the fun and lust fade away, when there is no happiness, and the daily grind takes over, the marriage is in jeopardy. Unfulfilled promises of eternal happiness generate a high divorce rate.

  The Chinese – at least my generation and the earlier generations – have completely different priorities for love. Love, or marriage, is a preparation for hard times. Because of the poverty, famines, wars, and political turmoil in China over the past century, hardship, rather than happiness, has been the only sure promise of life. Only those who experience real hardship know what a difference the presence of a caring person makes. Therefore, in a Chinese setting, when a man and a woman fall in love, they start to prepare for hardship together, and for each other, like two birds nesting a home. The union of two souls in matrimony is the only safe haven in the blizzard of life.

  Oh, yes, we Chinese also seek happiness, just as many Americans also prepare for hardship. However, the differences in priorities are revealed in different attitudes toward courtship and marriage.

  The man whom I date often brings me roses, and takes me to nice restaurants, concerts, dances, and museums. He (whoever he is) tells me jokes, and makes small talk, but he never asks if I feel sick even when I clearly have a tired or pale face. When I am really sick, he politely says he is sorry but he stays away, leaving me there alone to deal with the hardship – being with me is no longer fun.

  When I care about a man, I may constantly ask him if he feels all right – if he needs food to eat, clothes to wear, or medicine to take. I may propose cooking at home instead of going to a romantic restaurant dinner, thinking of saving money. I may buy food for him instead of roses. It is my way of courtship – the only way a woman coming from scarcity and hardship has learned. But this can be quite annoying to an American man.

  Such behavioral differences are highly symbolic: searching for a good time and preparation for a bad time.

  But such differences also profoundly affect our attitudes toward marriage.

  While many American marriages break up in bad times, many Chinese marriages end during the good times – such as dramatic increases of wealth and improved social status. Chinese couples are not prepared for such positive changes. The wife, particularly, who has been programmed her entire life to stand by her husband in times of hardship, has no idea about how to adjust, and how to enjoy a good time. The husband, either out of frustration or a sudden inflation of his ego, often turns to a traditional type of trophy –a younger or more submissive woman.

  Marriages do break up, in every culture, for different or similar reasons. But whatever the reason, when the promise of marriage is broken, so are human hearts.

  More and more Americans are staying single because they know that the good times will end, sooner or later.

  Chinese, on the other hand, are constantly looking for marriage because they understand that the bad times will come, sooner or later.

  And what about me?

  I am still searching for that perfect love. Not a perfect man, but a perfect love. No man is perfect, not even perfect only for me. People in love have the will power to make themselves perfect for each other. I hope in my next love affair, I will be able to bridge the two cultures. I hope that I will be able to create and share a great time with someone I love. Meanwhile, I should also prepare for the bad times, either alone or with someone beside me. I should prepare for both the good times and the bad times.

  Yes, I will keep searching for that perfect love. After all, when two people love each other, one share of a good time will become two, and one share of a bad time will be reduced to half.

  In the future, however, I will no longer exclude my own countrymen from my dating circles. At least they stay during the hard times.

[ 本帖最后由 Awa 于 2007-6-12 14:53 编辑 ]
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 楼主| 发表于 2007-6-12 13:48 | 显示全部楼层
Die von den Nutzern eingestellten Information und Meinungen sind nicht eigene Informationen und Meinungen der DOLC GmbH.
发表于 2007-6-12 13:50 | 显示全部楼层
Die von den Nutzern eingestellten Information und Meinungen sind nicht eigene Informationen und Meinungen der DOLC GmbH.
 楼主| 发表于 2007-6-12 13:50 | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 fcb 于 2007-6-12 14:50 发表


Yes, sir.............................$郁闷$
Die von den Nutzern eingestellten Information und Meinungen sind nicht eigene Informationen und Meinungen der DOLC GmbH.
发表于 2007-6-12 13:54 | 显示全部楼层
$支持$ $支持$
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发表于 2007-6-12 13:54 | 显示全部楼层
Die von den Nutzern eingestellten Information und Meinungen sind nicht eigene Informationen und Meinungen der DOLC GmbH.
发表于 2007-6-12 13:55 | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 fcb 于 2007-6-12 14:50 发表


Die von den Nutzern eingestellten Information und Meinungen sind nicht eigene Informationen und Meinungen der DOLC GmbH.
发表于 2007-6-12 13:56 | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 fcb 于 2007-6-12 14:54 发表
$NO$ 不明白原帖主为嘛要玩双文麻花$NO$

Die von den Nutzern eingestellten Information und Meinungen sind nicht eigene Informationen und Meinungen der DOLC GmbH.
 楼主| 发表于 2007-6-12 14:09 | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 whitetea 于 2007-6-12 14:54 发表
$支持$ $支持$

No.......................not me...........

Yes, I think it's helpful for english study if in two language........
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