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[职业生涯] SAP中国近日丑闻连连, SAP裁员内幕~~

发表于 2007-8-10 10:35 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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时间: 2007-8-10 周五, 上午8:48    标题: [转帖]SAP中国近日丑闻连连, SAP裁员内幕~~   


作者:godmanbj 在 海归主坛 发贴, 来自【海归网】 http://www.haiguinet.com




    此位新来的大中国区总裁是5月长假前到任的,李首次在上海约见大陆员工, 在发表就职演说之时, 向大家提出了一个问题: 你们知道大贪官和珅为什么死得那么惨吗? 所有人觉得莫名其妙,紧接着他意味深远为大家解密:因为和珅眼里只有一个皇上! 在场的所有中国员工无不恐惧并备感侮辱. 更加让所有中国员工震惊的是, 在他发表完演说之后, 前任总裁西曼的前任行政助理, 时任市场专员的徐小姐被立即解聘, 解聘的理由是她没有在李到任前为其办好上海的本地手机卡(李是长居香港的新加坡人).徐在SAP已工作5年,曾任中国区COO和CEO的行政秘书.
    到了7月初,时任SAP大中国区副总裁张某秘书的钱小姐被叫到了李的办公室,"为什么你不能在我入住酒店前将我的盥洗用品先放进房间?你被开除了!"随后,他将在上海的几位高层叫入自己的房间"如果明天我还看到她(钱)在办公室出现,你们中的一位和她一起走!" 钱已经在SAP服务8年.
    ...次日,在庆祝所谓第二季度销售胜利的晚宴上,对着参会的全国各地的销售人员公开提出: 赶在明年中国实施新劳动法前,他要加快速度”杀人”.


"Go On, Be my Heroes....",这是SAP新总裁最喜欢对他的员工喊叫的话。
  据本梨了解,在上面两位之前,已经有近20位员工被要求离职,而且他们平均在SAP的服务时间都在8年以上。这些被要求离职的人,按这位李总裁的说法,都属于“Low Performers, Slackers, Politicians, Rumor Mongers, Back Stabbing Individuals, a "Culture" of Blame, and also "MP" where people got rewarded not for what they have contributed to the company”(摘自这位总裁发给全体员工的邮件)。


  Dear Colleagues,
  Welcome to the 3rd week of June which means that we have only 15 days left in the quarter.
  With reference to Henning's email on "Trust" within SAP and my follow up mail last month, I would like to AGAIN gently remind everyone of us to be discreet and speak professionally when we are talking to people outside of SAP - be it customers or partners or friends etc. This is especially critical whenever we are approached by members of the media. BTW, most of us will have no business talking to the media unless you are a designated person to do so by the company.
  If words get out that YOU are an employee that is known to "spread" rumors or a person that is a "serous" politician, or someone who do harms to his/her company/colleagues, it will most definitely limit your career as well because as much as you talk about others, people talk about you too -believe me, words get around about you too. Please do not forget that although China is a HUGE country, information in the IT village travels at the speed of "email" or gossips - btw, I heard that the secretary (from one of the IT company in China) who forwarded the infamous internal email did not do herself any favors as well because she has also destroyed her own credibility/career - ask yourself if would hire someone like her?
  (如果你作为SAP员工,被曝光你散播谣言,或者玩弄政治,那将绝对限制你的职业,同时,你谈论别人也意味着别人会谈论你. 相信我, 你也会被流言包围. 请不要忘记尽管中国是个大国, IT圈里的消息会以邮件或流言的速度散播. 顺便提一下, 我听说了某IT公司的”秘书门事件”,这个秘书把公司内部邮件散播出去这件事没有给她带来任何好处, 因为她也同时毁坏了自己的信誉和前程. 问问你自己, 你会雇佣这样的人吗?)
  Last Friday, I had the opportunity to speak to a couple of journalists and I am again amazed at how much they know about what's going on at SAP China. I would like to remind all of us that we have no business taking to the press unless you are a designated spokesperson. The same goes for bringing gossips to our partners and our ex-colleagues. Again, YOU will be surprised at how much I know about what's going on within and outside the company. Otherwise, I would have better things to do on a Sunday morning than writing this email.
  For the culprit/culprits, please do not mistook my friendly smile to you when we meet that I am ignorance about what the guilty person is doing behind SAP or my back. My gentle warning is that I will terminate the employment contract of a "traitor" without further warning - trust me, it will only take me 5 minutes to do so. Furthermore, if words get around about one's undesirable reputation, it may create limitations to one's career - for such a person, I really wish our competitor will hire YOU, and I will be most happy to be your reference - you can definitely count on me in this case.
  (对于那些”犯人”, 当我们见面的时候请不要误会我友好的笑容,不要以为我会疏忽有罪过的人在我背后的搞七搞八. 我善意提醒你们, 我将在没有进一步警告的前提下让”叛逆者”滚蛋. 相信我, 我只需要5分钟就搞定. 并且, 如果有关你的不好名声的影响散播开, 它将限制你的职业, 对待这样的人, 我真的希望我们的竞争对手雇佣你, 而且我非常高兴推荐你 – 在这种事情上你绝对可以指望我帮忙. )
  One other CRITICAL matter that I would like to remind us is that WE should stay away from playing Politics within SAP. I hate Politics and I like to assure aspring SAP politicians that YOUR career will be LIMITED or worst, TERMINATED.
  SURPRISE, SURPRISE, I know who some of YOU are. Don't forget that while YOU may betray your colleagues, your friends will also betray you.
  (惊讶,惊讶, 我知道你们中的某些人很惊讶. 不要忘了当你背叛同事的时候, 你的朋友也会背叛你. )
  What Goes Around Comes Around
  I have heard many "conspiracy" stories (since coming on board) with some as serious/ridiculous as people providing information to our competitors in order to "screw" up the performances of trustworthy people in the company - again, these are just rumours that I have heard and it may not be true. For the guilty party, please start SHAKING because you will be surprised at how much I know. On the other hand, please be assured that I am not the type that just listens to rumors.
  (我上任以来听说了很多”阴谋”故事, 有的很荒谬, 比如有人向竞争对手提供情报为的是搞坏某些在公司里值得信任的人的业绩. 再提一遍, 这些只是我听说的谣言可能不是真的. 对于有罪过的那方, 请现在开始发抖吧, 因为你将很惊讶我知道的很多. 另一方面, 请相信我不是仅仅听信谣言的人. )
  Again, my sincere apology for the serious tone of this email, but I think it is my duty to build a FAIR & TRANSPARENT SAP where people get promoted or rewarded based on their Merits and Integrity rather than their abilities to PMP - or betray their colleagues or company. Frankly, for majority of our colleagues in SAP who are giving THE BEST effort, you should welcome my note because you know this is good for the company.
  Last, but not least, I like to ask each and everyone of us to treat each other with RESPECT and Kind CONSIDERATIONS because everyone of us in this company is someone's son/daughter/husband/wife etc and deserve to be treated with DIGNITY - this is especially true if you are a manager who have people working for you. Please do not abuse decent people with your abusive language or behaviour.
  (最后, 我提议大家彼此尊重关心,因为我们每人都是别人的儿子/女儿/丈夫/妻子, 是值得被尊严对待的. 尤其是当你是管理层的人, 请不要用辱骂的语言或态度对待正派的人. )
  Once again, thank you all for your kind attentions. Kindly excuse the seriousness of this email, but like I always say, this is a serious subject and it should be treated seriously.
  Lets work together to create a company that is Trustworthy, Cohesive and free from Politics.
  Trust me, we will together create a SAP CHINA that will be the ENVY and ADMIRATION for people in the industry.
  With warmest regards

作者:godmanbj 在 海归主坛 发贴, 来自【海归网】 http://www.haiguinet.com


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时间: 2007-8-10 周五, 上午10:12    标题: 提问:美国公司在华分、子公司中国籍员工,是否有可能以被歧视等原因,获得和在美员工可能获得的类似数额的赔偿、补偿?   




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时间: 2007-8-10 周五, 上午10:26    标题: 不太可能   




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Die von den Nutzern eingestellten Information und Meinungen sind nicht eigene Informationen und Meinungen der DOLC GmbH.


发表于 2007-8-10 10:39 | 显示全部楼层
Die von den Nutzern eingestellten Information und Meinungen sind nicht eigene Informationen und Meinungen der DOLC GmbH.
 楼主| 发表于 2007-8-10 10:44 | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 鲍鲍 于 2007-8-10 10:39 发表

问的好啊.不过 一朝天子一朝臣 :D  德国人也一样, 生活是残酷的:cool:
Die von den Nutzern eingestellten Information und Meinungen sind nicht eigene Informationen und Meinungen der DOLC GmbH.
发表于 2007-8-10 16:36 | 显示全部楼层
SAP 本是一个技术型的软件服务公司,只会考技术吃饭,哪懂什么管理,都是一些虚伪的,毫无信用的德国书呆子,中国员工也只能起个助理的功能。
Die von den Nutzern eingestellten Information und Meinungen sind nicht eigene Informationen und Meinungen der DOLC GmbH.
发表于 2007-8-10 16:50 | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 TLTC 于 2007-8-10 17:36 发表


而且从SAP现在北京的换人就可以看出SAP在管理方面是 做的越来越好的,越来越跟国际接轨。所谓跟国际接轨就是越来越美国化,美国化就是非人性化。

Die von den Nutzern eingestellten Information und Meinungen sind nicht eigene Informationen und Meinungen der DOLC GmbH.
发表于 2007-8-10 21:09 | 显示全部楼层
Die von den Nutzern eingestellten Information und Meinungen sind nicht eigene Informationen und Meinungen der DOLC GmbH.
发表于 2007-8-10 21:51 | 显示全部楼层
Die von den Nutzern eingestellten Information und Meinungen sind nicht eigene Informationen und Meinungen der DOLC GmbH.
发表于 2007-8-11 10:23 | 显示全部楼层
Die von den Nutzern eingestellten Information und Meinungen sind nicht eigene Informationen und Meinungen der DOLC GmbH.
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