原帖由 狐狸男爵的尾巴 于 2007-9-27 13:37 发表 
这和你邮箱设置的过滤器级别有关,gmail的比较好,sina, 163, 263, yahoo, hotmail, online的都不行。
做法之一是建立一个常用的办公的邮箱,这个不要对外留,一般骚扰信是google出你留在网上的EMAIL才攻击 ...
发件人 : Liu WANG <liuwang@hotmail.fr>
发送 : 2007年6月22日 20:38:35
收件人 : xxx@hotmail.com>
主题 : Your next travel in China
Dear xxx,
I know that you will go in China next week.
Why not remain in China ? I think that you will be happy to find a social life ...
Your life in France doesn't seem very happy...
you don't meet anybody. You don't have many friends, whereas in China your friends await you.
Are you really happy with this French ? Is it present for you ? Is it available for you ?
Reflect well and stop wasting your life and his life ... You have the occasion to start again your life in a few days...
Your daughter will be happy with him in France. She will have more facilities than you to adapt you.
You must think of the happiness of your small daughter. She has to learn still much from the life.
Your friend ....
Liu Wang |