在去机场的路上,我们都没有说话。他的眼睛盯着窗外,神情很落寞的样子。为了缓和这种尴尬的气氛,我随手拿出了一张碟,结果放出来竟然是<<Love Story>>,
where do i begin
to tell the story of how great a love can be
the sweet love story that is older than the sea
the simple truth about the love she brings to me
where do i start
with her first hello
she gave a meaning to this empty world of mine
there'll never be another love, another time
she came into my life and made the living fine
she fills my heart
she fills my heart
with very special things
with angel's souls, with wild imaginings
she fills my soul with so much love
that anywhere i go
i'm never lonely
with her along, who could be lonely
i reach for her hand
it's always there
how long does it last
can love be measured by the hours in a day
i have no answers now, but this much i can say
i know i'll need her til the stars all burn away
and she'll be there
how long does it last
can love be measured by the hours in a day
i have no answers now, but this much i can say
i know i'll need her til the stars all burn away
and she'll be there
忧伤而唯美的旋律把我们的思绪带回到了那一段“唯爱是一切”的岁月,通往机场的路那么熟悉,我曾经在这条路上送别他多次,他出差或者回国探亲,我都会亲自到机场接送,一路总有说不完的话,道不尽的思念和不舍。以前他经常给司机在家休假,自己开着那台和我现在一模一样的别克商务车,因为是自动档,所以他开起来十分偷懒,所以他总是左手把方向盘,右手握住我的手,偷空侧过头看我,唇边总是带着温和的笑意,眼睛里写满柔情。我得需不时提醒他注意开车,他总说“No problem, you are my lucky Yan”.
Michael注视着我的眼睛,表情严肃,或者说没有表情,我不知道他在想什么,良久,他突然说话,嗓子有点哑,他咳嗽了一声,清了清嗓子,对我说:“Yan, can we go back?”
“Go back?”我疑心我听错了,“What do you mean? Did you forget something in the hotel?”
“No, No.”他低下头,不自然地看别处,然后下决心似的抬起头说,“I mean, I wonder …..if we could go back to our days.”
“No, Michael, I am married.”我摇头,使劲皱眉头不让眼泪流出来,“I have my life, and you have yours, life should move on. ”
“I still love you.” 他紧紧攒着手中的登机牌,低声说。
“But my love has gone.”我咬牙切齿地说着,偏过头去看别处。
“I don’t believe it.”他拿手拨过我的脸, “so why tears?”
“Hey, listen, I want you to be happy.”他轻轻擦去我的泪水,“I don’t know why I always make you cry.”他叹了口气,“if you feel comfortable when I leave, then I will disappear as quick as I can.”
我一听这话,不禁破涕为笑,他便道:“well, then I really need to leave now. I like your smile. Promiss me, you will be always good.”
“Yeah, I promiss.”
“Ok, I need go though the security check now. Would you mind a kiss?”他没等我回答,便拥过我,在我唇上重重亲吻了一下,“Good-bye, my love.”他在我耳旁轻声说。
我一直望着他,直到再也看不见他,但是他真的没有再看我一眼。我的泪水失控地流了满面,仿佛有什么东西被人从心底掏出带走了,我放走了Michal,甚至我竟没有问他什么时候再回来,也许他再也不会回来了。 |