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Sample Day Of My Diet 食譜
7:30 AM:
Protein bar
or bacon and eggs with whole wheat bread
or smart start cereal
9:30 AM:
Healthy snack (fruit, chex mix, baked chips, etc.)
11:30 AM:
High protein meat (chicken, steak, tuna) and some sort of veggie or fruit and whole wheat bread.
1:30 PM:
Another healthy snack (fruit, chex mix, baked chips, etc.)
4:30 PM:
12 inch low fat sandwich from Subway (steak and cheese, roast beef, sweet onion chicken teriyaki, or club).
8:00 PM:
High protein meat (chicken, steak, tuna or other fish) or possibly pasta, veggie, whole wheat bread, healthy dessert (fruit, low fat yogurt).
I will not drink milk unless it is skim milk and try to stick to water other than that. I try to avoid desserts and instead will have a protein bar or shake. I consume about 60g of protein a day from shakes.
Sample Week Of Training 一周的健身計劃
I switched up my workouts often. Sometimes I will do:
3 sets x 10 reps, sometimes 4 sets x 12 reps, sometimes 3 sets x 10, 8, 6 reps, sometimes 5 sets x 5 reps. I will also incorporate drop sets into my workout. I like to keep my muscles guessing.
My current split looks like this:
Triceps 三頭
o Lying triceps press
o Dips
o Close grip bench press
o Various tricep extensions
Biceps 二頭
o Curls
o Hammer curls
o Preacher curls
o Concentration curls
o Reverse curls
o Barbell curls
Abs 腹肌
o Crunches
o Side bends
o Reverse crunches
o Hanging leg and knee raises
o Russian twist
o Decline crunches
Legs 腿
o Squats
o Leg press
o Leg extension
o Hamstring curls
o Calf raises
o Lunges
Abs 腹肌
Chest 胸肌
o Bench
o Incline
o Decline
o Cable crossovers
o Flyes
o Dumbbell bench
Traps 斜方
o Dumbbell or barbell shrugs
Forearms 前臂
o Forearm curls
o Cardio & secondary muscles
Shoulders 肩
o Barbell press
o Front dumbbell raises
o Side lateral raises
o Cuban presses
o Rear delt raises
Back 背
o Lat pulldowns
o Pullups
o Bent over dumbbell rows
o Other various rows
o Deadlift
o Back flyes
Traps 斜方
o Shrugs with dumbbells and barbells
Abs Hard 腹肌 & Cardio 有氧.
Rest (cardio) - I try not to ever truly miss a day in the gym. Also, I try in incorporate three 30 minute cardio sessions a week. |