1 英语,自然科学,艺术(画画,手工)是英文授课,德语,数学,体育是德文授课。老师是两个,一个英国人,一个德国人。课后照顾孩子的也是两个,一个讲英语一个讲徳语。很好的双语环境,而且不花钱!;) 有点财迷。
2 一个班的学生分两个组,也就是English mother tongue whose parents come form English language nations and German mother tongue。英语和德语是分开授课的,其他课一起上。 Form first class to forth class, the English mother tongue group, English is tought the same level with British school, German is a little easier than German school, whilst the German mother tongue group, German is the same level (sometime I think it is harder than)with other German school, Englsih is easier( my son is the forth class and he is learning English at the third class level, which is British standard). Since the fifth class, Engish and German will be taught the same level but they are still belong to different groups.
3 孩子可以四年级申请上中学,也可以六年级再申请。双语中学(席勒中学)只能六年级申请。
4 At this school you need push your child harder than other, because most parents are well-educated and push their children like Chinese parents.:(
Ok,that's all for now, I am so tired, as I am not good at type Chinese as I come form south of China and my English is also very poor that I can not express myself very well.$害羞$ |