1. If the games change each time, does this mean people will have to have the same copy to play against each other?
All packages come with the same multiplayer system, so no, you can have any one of the three copies and still be able to play online with people using other packages.
3部游戏的多人对战系统是一样的, 所以 如果你有3部游戏的其中一部就可以和其他人对战 不需要是相同的一部。。。
2. What impact will each subsequent sequel have on the balance of the game? Will it require changes to the units we've gotten used to in between the transition time?
There should be no impact at all.
3. Will the expansions have any implications on replay functionality? Will replays carry throughout each expansion?
Assuming these packages do not change multiplayer, you will only have to worry about patches rendering some replays obsolete as is the nature of Blizzard games.
和sc1一样,不同的版本 REPLAYS 不兼容,但是3部游戏是兼容的。。。
就像教父三部曲 搞不好还会出资料片 三部曲 暴雪真JS |
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