Bearbeiten is used on something you handle or process physically. Such as a file, a handcraft etc.
Verarbeiten is applied for things you work on innerly, i.e. mentally or spiritually. Such as a theory, a lesson you've learnt.
If related to tangible things, Verarbeiten means the work on the inner structure of some item, whereas Bearbeiten is pointed to the exterior form, the appearance, the outer structure.
Ich bearbeite einen Text. ( i edit a text)
Ich verarbeite einen Text. ( i interpret and comprehend the text)
Die Maschine bearbeitet das Metall. (the machinary processes (shapes, grinds) the metal)
Die Anlage bearbeitet die Milch und verarbeitet diese zu verschiedenen Produkten. (the equipment handles the milk (purify, heat, condense etc.)(these are executable processes) and turns it into different products (this is the inner transformation caused by the processes above). |