本帖最后由 ponyo 于 2010-8-19 19:38 编辑 & r: o9 x/ u( o& W; p$ p- c$ }) M
4 m1 U1 b( [/ g是没这个时 .../ W% h# _1 r# X. r
tgbzhn 发表于 2010-8-19 15:45  8 Z6 {$ l7 W4 q
* p) |0 m6 d' [: l. Y) K
这个我太有同感了。 像我们这个年纪, 要工作挣钱, 回了家还要做饭洗衣做全副的家务,再要支持老公的事业一手带孩子, 实在是不如有条件的老人家可以全心全意对牢小孩。 我还没怀孕之前, 公司里忙的季度里, 下班回家, 家务忙完后都累得只想睡觉。 我个人觉得, 我上班以后, 蹦蹦跟外公外婆过远比跟我们过要好得多。 蹦爸和我再拼搏几年, 争取在蹦蹦学龄前争到财务自由。 这样, 父母双方至少有一人可以全心全意对牢小孩。 这也只是想想, 估计蹦爸会舍不得这样做。
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6 h6 a& L1 O7 I. k8 j以下是一点书摘, 出自 Karp, Harvy 写的 "The happiest toddler on the block" :) E$ B# j# U+ ?& y3 [2 b( y
The whole idea of the nuclear family (a household of just parents and kids) is a recent invention. In fact, it's one of the biggest experiments in human history. Our ancestors always lived extended families. (near grandparents, aunts, cousins, etc.).
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4 L' j8 l" L( }- @& n1 dFor thousands of years, parents had the village to help them. In fact, when people from more traditional cultures hear about our spread-out families, they're usually stunned. "You can't be serious!" they say. "How can you raise a baby without your sisters, mother, aunts, and friends?"
* M9 c$ Y b V) r' g2 K% r
- v! N5 `4 l z9 PMore and more, we leave our hometowns, have fewer older children to help out, don't know the neighbors, and live in single-parent families or families where both parents work full-time jobs.& |+ f' Y$ [" g; c
: D% O+ W) y+ x( H' f" pSure, we have lots of modern conveniences (like cars and washing machines), but they can never make up for the loss of family, neighbors, and community. No wonder parents feel overwhelmed. We are!...
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4 y6 F T! X5 _- k2 b9 U4 a# ^3 KWhat is the result of these changes? Amazingly, today's parents often work longer hours than most parents in the past generations. That's because they either have to supervise their kids 24/7 without help or spend all day at work and then come home to a house full of undone chores.3 b% x% d8 v1 O! E3 ]* D6 o
$ F! O1 U5 W" v* N9 t...& G2 B" T M- v
$ b1 q$ ?0 ]5 ]4 l/ S, d9 t: b$ u
So please, give yourself a round of applause. You're not a wimp if you use a babysitter or a housecleaner. You're not selfish if you get away for lunch with a friend or take an exercise class. ...) \ a+ F. s" P4 V! s# Q
% p0 Y Z# E) V( r. u, L
这本书给学步儿的父母给出了很多很好的建议, 怎样避免小孩发脾气, 怎样哄小孩开心, 等等。 我觉得写得很好。 作者的文笔也很生动。 推荐一下。 |