contactsymon 发表于 2009-10-10 13:24


我们由于从前在学校里学习英语时老师们过份的强调了从句的作用,让好多同学们常常把but, if, although , even though, so…that, in order to之类的词用了个透。这些词不是说不能用,只是说如果你有更多更好的写法与代替方法,则应该考虑更其它。其实好多人以为英语写作或者英语的文章无非就是这些几个词语,外加一堆生词堆砌,这是误解。英语写得好的人,简单的词语排列组合时,采用长句,短句相结合的写法,完全可以避免掉这些口语中出现最多的从句。




1)        The classroom was silent, but suddenly a girl started to cry

Change : The silence of the classroom was broken by a girl´s cry.

2)        It was meant to be a wonderful day but it turned out to be a disaster.

Change: What was meant to be a wonderful afternoon turned out to be a disaster.

3)        The movie “The Sound of Music” is about a big family , but it is more than just that

Change: The movie “The sound of Music” is much more than just a story of a big family

4)        It is not his method but his attitude that holds him from becoming successful

Change: His attitude, not his method, holds him from becoming successful

5)        I feel extremely tired and want nothing but a meal and a bed.

Change: I feel extremely tired and want only two things: a meal and a bed.


1)        All students want to go there, but she does not want to do so.
2)        We have various kinds of food to stay healthy, but the most basic are carbohydrates, fats, and proteins.

还有其它几个从句词比较although 等,我后面慢慢写来。欢迎大家都积极帮助我搜集材料或者提供不同意见!

deutschlandcard 发表于 2009-10-10 20:55

All students want to go there except her.
We have the most basic carbohydrates, fats, and proteins of food to stay healthy.

learnEnglish 发表于 2009-10-11 02:19

本帖最后由 learnEnglish 于 2009-10-11 03:35 编辑

I think "All students want to go there except her" is best.
1.)She does not want to go there where all students want to go.
2.)Carbohydrates, fats, and proteins are the most basic substances in various kinds of food to stay healthy.

wanwensu 发表于 2009-10-11 10:25

I agree with Deutschlandcard at point 1)
1) All students want to go there except her.
2) Carbonhydrates, fats and proteins are the most basic nutrients amongst various kinds of food to stay healthy. (???{:5_339:}???)
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