收到一封让我REIVEW 文章的邮件,自己尚未出师,而且自己方向也不是特别靠近。求建议
The author has recommended you as one of the preferred reviewers. The abstract appears at the end of this letter. Please let me know as soon as possible if you will be able to review the paper. If you are unable to review at this time, I would appreciate you recommending another expert reviewer. You may e-mail me with your reply or click the appropriate link at the bottom of the page to automatically register your reply with our online manuscript submission and review system.> ;
> Journal of Industrial Textiles greatly values the work of our reviewers. So, in recognition of your continued support, we are pleased to announce that we have arranged with our publishers SAGE to offer you free access to all 550+ SAGE journals for 30 days upon receipt of your completed review. We will send you details of how to register once you have submitted your comments.
> Once you accept the invitation to review this manuscript, you will be notified via e-mail about how to access Manuscript Central, our online manuscript submission and review system. You will then have access to the manuscript and reviewer instructions in your Reviewer Center.
> I realize that our expert reviewers greatly contribute to the high standards of the Journal, and I thank you for your present and/or future participation.
高人给些专业意见吧,比如优缺点之类的 其实希望自己多学习下。。。 可以练练手啊。反正是匿名的。我第一次review的花了两天的时间,你可以试试看的。没坏处的。别人建议你,肯定有别人建议你的原因啦 多谢笨猫同学,偶现在心里已经有点跃跃欲试了。但是还想听听有啥不好的地方。除了浪费自己时间。2天时间还是有的,偶不怕。就是担心耽误了人家写文章的人,写了半天也挺不容易的,万一让我搞杂了,对不起人家。还有就是怕自己REVIEW给不出什么建议性意见,把自己的名声还搞臭了。
其实本来就没出名,就是瞎担心。别拍偶。{:4_295:} 只有编辑知道你是谁,你肯审,他们已经很高兴了。再说,最后的决定权也不在你,你不过是给出意见而已。大胆一点啦。就当作,如果这篇文章是你自己写的,你会怎么提意见。偶第一篇审的文章,偶把自己的意见提了后,偶小老板也看过了,他说我审得很好,也很仔细。后来作者也确实按照我的意见修改了。
ps,我审的第一篇文章,也不完全是我的领域。 你还没回国?
liangfudan 发表于 2010-9-2 18:30 http://www.dolc.de/forum/images/common/back.gif
跟你有关吗? 多谢笨猫的详细回复。偶准备接受啦。。呵呵 The author has recommended you as one of the preferred reviewers. The abstract appears at the end of ...
lyric 发表于 2010-9-2 12:31 http://www.dolc.de/forum/images/common/back.gif
鼓励你。你行的! 没关系啊.
liangfudan 发表于 2010-9-2 20:12 http://www.dolc.de/forum/images/common/back.gif
你的汗貌似就没停过嘢?! "后来作者也确实按照我的意见修改了。"
作者建议一个还没有毕业的,非完全本领域的学生审自己的文章,动机很是值得怀疑。作者对自己文章的信心值得商榷,由此文章水平可想而知。 "后来作者也确实按照我的意见修改了。"
因为作者的目的是发文章,不是惹麻烦。毕竟他改过后还是要再送回 ...
colleen 发表于 2010-9-10 11:36 http://www.dolc.de/forum/images/common/back.gif