蛋黃2 隻蛋白4 隻
砂糖 4 湯匙
牛奶100 毫升
麵粉2 湯匙
糖霜 少許
1.預熱焗爐200 C。
2. 蛋黃加入2 湯匙糖打 至奶白色,加入已篩好的麵粉攪勻成糊狀。牛奶入微波爐丁30秒或煮熱(不要?L),加入麵糊中快手攪勻,或座於熱水上不停攪後,稍為侍帷
3.蛋白打至起泡,加入餘下的2 湯匙糖打至企身,加入麵糊中混合。
4.將麵糊放入焗杯中,約八成?M,入焗爐焗12分鍾取出,撒上糖霜,即可享用 。 如果要加桔子陷呢? Originally posted by athena_hu at 2005-3-25 11:37
没试过,不晓得哦... http://www.virtualcities.com/ons/0rec/04soufle.htm
Orange SouffleFrom: arielle@taronga.com (Stephanie da Silva)
Date: Thu, 2 Sep 1993 11:19:31 GMT
3 tablespoons butter
1/4 cup all-purpose flour
dash salt
2/3 cup milk
1 teaspoon finely shredded orange peel
1/3 cup orange juice
4 egg yolks
4 egg whites
1/4 cup sugar
Orange Sauce
Attach a buttered and sugared foil collar to a 2 quart souffle dish; set
In a small saucepan melt the 3 tablespoons butter.Stir in flour and salt.
Add milk; cook and stir till thickened and bubbly.Remove from heat; stir
in orange peel and juice.In a small mixer bowl beat egg yolks about 5
minutes or until thick and lemon colored.Gradually stir orange mixture
into beaten egg yolks.Wash beaters thoroughly.
In a large mixer bowl beat the egg whites to soft peaks.Gradually add
sugar, beating to stiff peaks.Fold orange mixture into egg whites.Turn
into ungreased souffle dish.Bake in a 325F oven for 60 to 65 minutes or
till a knife inserted near center comes out clean.Serve immmediately
with Orange Sauce.Makes 8 servings.
Orange Sauce:In a medium saucepan combine 1/2 cup sugar, 2 tablespoons
cornstarch, and a dash salt.Stir in 1 1/2 cups orange juice.Cook and
stir till thickened and bubbly.Cook 2 minutes more.Remove from heat;
stir in 1 tablespoon butter.Serve warm.Makes 1 3/4 cups. http://www-2.cs.cmu.edu/~mjw/recipes/souffle/ 我就等着看你的香橙苏芙丽了! Originally posted by athena_hu at 2005-3-25 12:02
可是我最不喜欢吃的就是这玩艺了...不要说做了,就是那碗我都没有...对不起了 算了,问你问题吧!
all-purpose flour
dash salt