工作单位用中英文出具的准假证明信的基本格式可以给个参考吗?非常感谢 这个准假证明信是我自己写的就把大使馆网站上的那些要点都写清楚就好了,比如请假时间,还有公司为其保留职位,还有电话号码,领导签名等等等,关键是盖的章,还有材料递交后,大使馆很有可能会打电话到该公司去核实是否有这么一个人,我办的时候是这么听说的,具体给没给公司打电话,我不知道。 爸爸妈妈版有样本的! 本人自来文科学的就不好,请求好心人给一个范本吧。 样本
XX,XX, 200X
To Whom It May Concern
MR. +++( my chinese name) ( Vicky Ma) is currently employed as a General Manager Assistant and commerced work with our orgranisation on XX, XX, 200X.
Her duties include:
Secretarial Duties for the General Manager and Managing Director,
Chinese/ English translation, liaise with various Government deparntments,
Such as China Customs, China Foreign Trade, China Foreign Exchange,
China Quarantine Inspection, Local government bodies and Banks.
Her current monthly salary, including bonus, is RMB xxxx
The company ( company name), is an Australian owned and managed company. It is a sole proprietorship, manufacturing products for the xxx Industry, under license, for export to Europe and America. This factory is located in Chengdu, Sichuan provice, china with offices in Chengdu, shanghai, Honkong, Australia, USA and the U.K.
We will close for National Day holidays on September 19th for 3 ( three) weeks. Ms. Vicky Ma has asked for an additional 2 (two) weeks for personal reason. She has been granted this additional leave.
yours sincerely,
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx( company name)
xxxxxxxxxx ( name signature) 公司盖公章
Human Resources Manager.
company phone number, fax number, email. 再有:
[ 本帖最后由 蛇妖MM 于 2008-12-22 14:10 编辑 ] 版主美美真太好了。求了半天终于求到了。非常感谢 标准格式你还是要问问一些搞行政得朋友吧。怕漏了。$m7$