小怜 发表于 2009-4-1 08:23


My Love my life

At first glance I would have never known the value that lied within you,
For such a tender age of sixteen you don’t often see the things in life that are so true.

But then as I got to know you my heart just began to melt,
For these were not normal feelings—
this was more than I have ever felt.

As time went on through the years we finally became one as a team,
But then things got hazy I felt as if I was living a dream.

A dream that had its ups and downs,
There were some smiles and laughters as well as some frowns.

Going through life isn’t always easy,
But having you by my side always seemed to please me.

Now you ask me on bended knee to be your lawfully wedded wife,
And I look at you with honor for you are my love, my life.

So I will give you my hand in marriage as well as my heart and soul,
You are the better half of me that makes me whole.

And as we drift off on our dream honeymoon to the
beautiful islands of Hawaii where the skies are so blue,
I want you to know you are the greatest thing that has ever happened to me—
for you have made all my dreams come true.


biqiao0604 发表于 2009-4-1 08:45

thank you

littlestarannie 发表于 2009-5-14 20:52

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