能帮我把下面的德语句子翻译成英语吗?Ichlege bei einer Teamarbeit Wert darauf, dass jeder seine Aufgaben nicht nur inhaltlich gut, sondern auch fristgemäß löst. Da kann es schon mal sein, dass der eine oder andere genervt ist, weil ich zu oft nachfrage.
非常感谢! sondern auch fristgemäß lö 看不懂 I set value on the fact that everyone can finish his task not only well also on time. It could happen that someone gets nervous because of the frequent requiry.
a question: What does "DA" mean in your German sentence? I doubt if it is correct. 本帖最后由 牛奶咖啡 于 2009-8-8 00:04 编辑
I would think high of those teamwork, in which everyone could accomplish his job not only well regarding its content, but also on time ...抱歉看不清了。
Because it would be sooner or later that I get on someone's nerve inquiring too often of the on-going of his work.