我暂时没什么计划。追着驾校给我termin呢,驾校27号到29号也开门,目前已经满了。据说连一月份都挺紧张的。:o 我每次看完MM写的总结帖都特别紧张,明天去上第1个理论,上路是约不到了,明年在说吧,我自己也想把理论好好学学。呵呵。这么好的贴,支持支持,祝楼主能碰到一个好的考官,顺利通过考试:)
I just passed the Praktischprüfung
Hello everybody,I just took the exam this afternoon and furtunately passed it.
With this post I would like to thank janejjjj. Couple weeks when knowing that I would take the praktisch prüfung, I was so nervous and anxious. A friend introduced me this website and I got a lot of help from it.
Sorry I can't write in Chinese with my office computer. Nevertheless I would like to share my experince vriefly.
Today in the exam, I made some mistakes. eg. on the Autobahn, when examiner asked to drive to the direction of Esslingen, because I was not able to read the sign clearly and couldn't turn to the correct lane in time, for the savety sake I stayed on original lane and went to another direction....
Besides, when the examiner asked me to park, because another car was coming up, I was a little bit nervous so I did the adjustment couple times.
But thanks to the nice examiner and my trainer, I passed the exam finally.
Again thanks to the sharing of you guys. It does help a lot.
回复 #106 ylh99 的帖子
congratulations$支持$ , you are really very lucky comparing to others. yup, you are totally right. I am quite lucky.images/smilies/big/054.gifI deeply believe it's just because Santa Claus wanted to give me a X'mas gift.
This morning I got my Führerschein already (yesterday I had only a Bescheinigung).images/smilies/big/043.gif
Because I was pretty lazy, it took me nearly one year to complete it. ( I didn't take any Fahrstunde during the whole summer.)
Anyhow, all the best for those who are going to take the Praktisch Prüfung.images/smilies/big/067.gif 我上个周四考到了车本。我也告诉大家两点我的心得。
我经常漏看30公里区结束的牌子。 因为这个牌子一般立在街道的左边。而且经常是在要出街口的地方。这时候脑子里要想着要向左右看,打转向灯,刹车换档,有没有vorfahrgewaehr或者stop... 早把什么30公里结束没有的概念忘没影儿了。 等我转过弯儿, 突然想到,哎呀!这儿还是30公里区吗?
避免此错误的方法是: 我发现在30公里区结束的地方, 一般都有stop, vorfahrgewaehr 或者红绿灯。这些标识都是在街道的右边,很容易注意到。所以,在30公里区看到这些标识时,眼睛要向左瞟一下,看看有没有带斜线的白牌子。
在Parklueck停车,要把车先挂到挡,向右转45度。我怎么也找不准45度, 不是大就是小。 我的fahrleher告诉我要看人行道上铺的方砖,如果我的车和砖的对角线在一条支线上,那就是45度了。可是当人行道上的砖不是方的该怎么办?
解决方法:看车头左角和路沿儿的夹角。注意车头左角外两边和路沿儿的夹角一样大了,车子就转好45度了. $支持$ $支持$