yourzhou 发表于 2007-1-30 11:12



Heran 发表于 2007-1-30 11:25

回复 #71 yourzhou 的帖子

苏联原来建立之初,各个不同民族的小邦是以完全自治的形式加入苏联,他们只是承认苏联的领土主权,但在自己的邦内实行的是完全的自治,这种自治是和中国的民族自治区政策完全不同的,他们的那种自治也为日后的解体买下了伏笔。 在这一点上,中国 共 产 党就要高明得多,虽然都是叫自治,但是一直强调的前提是:“统一的多民族国家”。是在统一的前提下的自治。

twosteps 发表于 2007-1-30 12:10

前两天看新闻说虽然明年是猪年, 到考虑到很多穆撕林的信仰问题, 有猪的广告都被禁止了. :(

墜落 发表于 2007-1-30 12:27

$送花$ $送花$ $送花$
$支持$ $支持$ $支持$

serenita 发表于 2007-1-30 12:57

$支持$ $支持$ $支持$
记得以前历史课,(我中学很喜欢历史) 看书仔细,看到那块什么碑,想不起名字了,表示西藏和当时的中国是平等的两个部份。问老师,为沙子现在又是中国的一部份了,老师不原意解释。可能他也不清楚,而且觉得是敏感话题吧。

aixiang 发表于 2007-1-30 13:29

原帖由 pony1160 于 2007-1-29 13:15 发表
美国也是欧洲人移民北美后,大肆屠杀原地居民印地安人,把这块土地掠为己,成立了他们白人的天堂民.主国家,现在谁又在乎那些死去的印地安人呢?民.主是他们白人的民.主,建立在死去的印地安人身上,到是很心安 ...

说的好!$送花$ 强烈支持

eisenstange 发表于 2007-1-30 13:30

i don't know how many people have watched film called "Seven Years in Tibet" by Brad Pitt, it is such a "Scheißdreck". and after that i watch no film form him any more.

Brad Pitt $bs$$bs$

Fuck it again

[ 本帖最后由 eisenstange 于 2007-1-30 13:31 编辑 ]

Heran 发表于 2007-1-30 13:32

原帖由 eisenstange 于 2007-1-30 13:30 发表
i don't know how many people have watched film called "Seven Years in Tibet" by Brad Pitt, it is such a "Scheißdreck". and after that i watch no film form him any more.

eisenstange 发表于 2007-1-30 13:34

and the drama of this film, is written by a man called "Heinrich Harrer"

he is a Nazi.

we better all remenber this "Sucker".

[ 本帖最后由 eisenstange 于 2007-1-30 13:48 编辑 ]

eisenstange 发表于 2007-1-30 13:42

原帖由 Heran 于 2007-1-30 13:32 发表


the film are based on a book of Austrian mountaineer,Heinrich Harrerreal, who wrote his life events in Tibet, but i think it is facked, and in his seven Years in Tibet, he work there as the Teacher of Dalai Lama, and tought the people there how to Ski on the ice, and how to make Radio Reciver, and the have even elektric lights. (so redigioules), and they even dancing waltz, with tha civilisationsgrad, there even better als Shanghai in the same year. :-)

in the last part of movie, they bild a bloodly KP army, they kill every people there, so they run out of there.

but don't forget, this Austraineer Mountaineer himself is a Nazi. and even a SS in Austrailen.

after that i don't see any film from Brat pitt and Angelina Jolie.

they sucks
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